whistleblower channel

Whistleblowing Channel

We help to improve the lives of the people we interact with, placing special emphasis on the welfare of our employees.
For that purpose we set up our Whistleblowing Channel, an internal mechanism to report any inappropriate conduct.

In order to blow the whistle and report such action, we have established a set of guidelines that will help achieve the welfare of all.

  • We do not accept false reports or accusations, since that would be unlawful, immoral and would not align with Globalvia’s values. If a report is proved to be false, we will take disciplinary measures.
  • We do require whistleblowers to say who they are and provide their personal details. We do not allow anonymous internal whistleblowing through the Whistleblowing Channel in order to guarantee a professional system and to protect the whistleblower from any possible retaliation.
  • We will process all reports confidentially, ensuring the whistleblower’s identity is kept strictly secret. Their details will only be disclosed to Public Authorities if the report leads to an official investigation.

Reports will be managed by an external party, the OMBUDSMAN, who shall ensure the entire process is carried out properly.