At Globalvia #wesupportSDGs of the United Nations Global Compact in the Decade of Action!

At Globalvia, we are committed to the Sustainable Development Goals and we are part of the most important global initiative for business sustainability, the United Nations Global Compact. A pact, through which the adhered companies commit to align our corporate strategies with the Ten Principles of the Global Compact (encompassed in four areas: Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-corruption). And, also to implement actions that contribute to the SDGs, annually reporting our commitment through a Sustainability Report.

We are convinced that companies have a fundamental role to face the main challenges of the world and comply with the 2030 Agenda. And it is that, from our scope of action, we must provide sustainable solutions to address the main challenges of the world; from poverty and gender equality, to climate change, inequality and closing the financial gap. The Decade of Action is a decade to act, and we must do it now!

For this reason, at Globalvia we want to reaffirm once again our commitment to sustainable development by joining the #wesupportSDGs dissemination campaign launched by the United Nations Global Compact Spain. During the next four months, from Globalvia we will be a speaker for our employees and stakeholders, bringing them closer to each of the 17 SDGs. We will encourage them to act by presenting different activities and habits to contribute to the fulfillment of each of the goals and, we will take the opportunity to make known to the public the real actions that we implement from Globalvia and that reflect our commitment to the SDGs and their alignment with our corporate strategies.

We keep you posted in our blog, don’t miss it out!

Because the challenge to protect the planet belongs to everyone!

Globalvia – Changing the world together