Globalvia participates in the event INFIN Spain: Outlook for European Infrastructure Investment 2020

Thursday, January 23rd, Globalvia was present at the breakfast INFIN Spain: Outlook for European Infrastructure Investment 2020, organized by INFIN Spain in collaboration with Uría Menéndez, about the perspective for European infrastructure investment in 2020.

Once every three months INFIN Spain meets in Madrid with the intention of providing infrastructure finance companies a place to meet and establish contacts on a regular basis.

These events, which bring together construction companies, investors, contracting agencies and other entities and organizations involved in the infrastructure sector, offer the latest news on the domestic PPP market, renewable energies, company mergers andacquisitions,as well as an ideal space to share key foreign investment opportunities with top-level guests.

In this event, our colleague Jon Nafría, Structuring and Finance Manager of Globalvia, was invited to participate together with other executives of the sector. Jon, deepened in the process of liberalization of the railway sector in Spain and Europe and the attractiveness of this sector for developers and institutional investors.

During the session, other topics were discussed, such as the situation of the infrastructure market, highlighting the situation of excess liquidity due to the attractiveness of investment in this sector and the investment opportunities in the highway sector in Spain, all of which coincided in the few existing alternatives in construction projects as opposed to the ones that have occurred this year in M&A processes (sale of assets of Cintra or Iridium, amongothers). In addition, there was also space for the environmental crisis and new sustainable forms of mobility in cities.