Globalvia reaches an agreement to purchase Itínere

Globalvia has reached an agreement to purchase jointly the shares owned by three minority shareholders of Itínere: Abanca, 23.81%; Sacyr, 15.51%; and Kutxa, 16.30% (through Arecibo); that would add up to a 55,6% of the equity.

Once the transaction is closed, Globalvia’s portfolio would grow from the current 26 assets to 32. The assets would comprise 7 railways and 25 highways with over 2,300 km in 8 different countries delivering service to over 300 million users a year.

Globalvia’s and Itínere’s joined turnover would raise up to €700 million and both EBITDA´s would be over €500 million.

This operation follows the growth strategy set by Globalvia that has been implemented through different buyouts of several assets in the USA, Portugal and Chile. Globalvia will continue its growth and international and national expansion.