Justice cancels the rescission of the Túnel de Sóller

April 30 the Administrative Litigation Court number 3 of Palma de Mallorca has declared void the rescue of the Sóller Tunnel concession issued in August 2017 by the Consell Insular de Mallorca.

According to the ruling, the highest official in charge of the Island Government did not justify the reasons of general interest used for the expropriation of the tunnel.

This is the first sentence that limits the power of the public administration to unilaterally terminate a concession contract. Henceforth, and thanks to this precedent, it will not be enough for the Administration to appeal to the general interest to redeem a concession, but rather it must adequately justify in accordance with Law the reasons of general interest that support its decision.

Now Globalvia will enter into negotiations with the local administration to analyze next steps.