We are selected as #EmpresaporelClima thanks to our project Meep Sevilla by Globalvia

#PorElClima platform is a pioneer initiative by people, companies, organizations and public administrations who come together with a common goal: heading up action against Climate Change according to the directives established in the Paris Agreement.

Through the 101 Business Examples of Climate Action, this platform recognizes the commitment and ambitions by companies to tackle climate change, identifying and showcasing actions that have been implemented to tackle this emergency.

Meep-Sevilla-by-Globalvia_empresas-por-el-climaAt the 2021 edition, Globalvia’s Mobility as a Service and Multimodal mobility initiative has been recognized: Meep Sevilla by Globalvia has been selected as one of the 101 Examples in the Ranking of business climate actions. We are proud of this recognition, since it showcases our climate commitment.

One of our goals at Globalvia is to be ready to deal with the new challenges and risks stemming from climate change. We are therefore working to actively contribute to the transition toward a low-carbon economy and to boost the resilience of the infrastructures we operate, implementing mitigation objectives and adapting to climate change.

Our Sustainability Plan, namely Sustaimobility 2024, includes the fight against climate change, “Infrastructure to mitigate climate change”, as one of its four strategic lines, in which the content of our ambitious climate action and emissions reduction plan is further developed.

Congratulations to all for this great recognition!

Changing the world together