5 October, 2021
At Globalvia we support SDGs!
We introduce you about our actions in the SDGs 5,6,7 & 8!

During the month of August we have continued promoting the campaign #wesupportSDGs, of which we are part. Last July we talked to you about the first four Goals and how, from Globalvia, we implement concrete actions to contribute to each of them. Now in this post we present our actions and initiatives for the following four Goals that we have presented among our colleagues in recent weeks.




SDG # 5 Gender equality:

It is one of our strategic SDGs and we integrate it into our business through one of the four lines that make up our Sustainability Plan -Sustaimobility 2024- called “CSR: contributing to diversity and social inclusion” and, more specifically, through of the objective “Fair and equitable work environment”. We are committed to guaranteeing a workplace that is fair and equal for all of us who are part of Globalvia and to transmit these values ​​in the communities in which we are present and in which, therefore, we can contribute our bit.

  • In April 2020, we presented our First Plan for the Promotion of Equality to advance our commitment, not only to gender equality, but also to equal opportunities for all.
  • On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we disseminate and join the campaigns to support equality. Thus, last March, from Corporation we collaborated with the Adecco Foundation, publicizing its campaign for this occasion. In addition to this, we also made a donation to the PEPO project of the Mariscal Foundation, covering the costs of training a protective dog and the corresponding training for an abused woman.

SDG # 6 Clean water and sanitation and SDG # 7 Affordable and clean energy:

In recent decades, access to drinking water and sanitation, as well as electricity, has improved in countries with fewer resources. However, it is still necessary to ensure their access – and to do so in a sustainable way – to reach millions of people who do not yet have them. For this reason, at Globalvia we have defined objectives based on the efficient use of resources and renewable energies integrated into two of the strategic lines of our Sustaimobility 2024 Plan: “infrastructures to mitigate climate change” and “mobility focused on our users”.

  • We bet on AUARA as our supplier of mineral water bottles. AUARA is a social company that allocates 100% of its dividends to developing access to drinking water projects for those who need it most.
  • During 2020, the implementation of 72 solar panels at our toll stations in Costa Rica was completed. This has meant a 45% saving in electricity consumption.
  • We have contracts for the supply of energy from 100% renewable sources, at Globalvia facilities in Spain and the Portuguese Concessions of Beira Interior and Transmontana, thus helping to reduce our ecological footprint. In 2020, 64% of the electricity consumed in Globalvia Group came from renewable sources.
  • We installed charging points for electric vehicles in our railway concession, Metro de Sevilla, the offices of our Portuguese concessions and along our highways in Costa Rica and Chile, promoting the use of more sustainable transport.


SDG # 8 Decent work and economic growth:

  • It is another of our strategic SDGs and we channel our concrete actions through the objective “Contributing to society” also framed in the line “CSR: contributing to diversity and social inclusion” of our Sustainability Plan -Sustaimobility 2024-.
  • We collaborate with Foundations and entities that promote access to education, culture and job placement for groups with intellectual disabilities. This is the case of the Adecco Foundation, the Prodis Foundation or the A LA PAR Foundation, with which we collaborate in the CAMPVS Program to support higher education and the subsequent integration into the labor market of young people with intellectual disabilities.In addition, whenever we can, we turn to the Special Employment Centers of these foundations to provide us with materials and corporate merchandising.
  • We believe that education is a key tool that enables economic development. Therefore, we are committed to initiatives that facilitate and allow access to education for groups at risk of social exclusion in the communities in which we are present. An example of this commitment is our emblematic education project formed by two Socio-sports Schools in Costa Rica and Chile in the hands of the Real Madrid Foundation. Through education in values ​​and sports we help children at risk of social exclusion and their families, improving their health and living conditions and, therefore, offering them new opportunities for their professional future.

To continue learning about our contribution to each of the SDGs, don’t miss our next post at the end of this month!