4 August, 2021
At Globalvia #wesupportSDGs! Discover our contribution to the first four Goals

At Globalvia we are committed to sustainable development and we are part of one of the most important global initiatives for business sustainability, the United Nations Global Compact. Earlier this month, we decided to reaffirm our commitment by joining their dissemination campaign #wesupportSDGs. Through this campaign, at Globalvia we intend to be a speaker for our employees and stakeholders, bringing them closer to each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Would you like to know what specific actions we carry out at Globalvia to help achieve each of the SDGs? Next, we share with you some of them which are applicable to the first four Goals:


SDG#1 No poverty & SDG#2 Zero Hunger


  • We take part in UNICEF’s Blue Gift initiative, and every Christmas, we congratulate our contacts on the holidays with these solidarity cards, aimed at providing survival kits for children at risk of extreme poverty.
  • We give visibility and promote among our employees food collection campaigns as the ones that are recurrently organized by Banco de alimentos (Food Bank).
  • We collaborate with different entities and non-profit organizations to help the most vulnerable groups have their basic needs covered. In particular, during this critical year due to the arrival of Covid-19, we have increased our efforts to offer our support to those who need it most through initiatives launched during the toughest months of the pandemic by CaritasMensajeros de la Paz (Messengers of Peace), Banco de Alimentos (Food Bank), Help FoundationCristina Oria or Viena Capellanes, among others.

SDG#3 Good health and wellbeing


From Globalvia we contribute to this objective by taking care of the health of our people and environment:

  • We disseminate the different campaigns of blood donation of the Red Cross and bone marrow donation, through the visibility of their campaigns and the organization of informative talks.

  • We promote healthy lifestyle habits by promoting their participation in solidarity sports activities and disseminating the AECC newsletter on healthy lifestyle habits.




Font: www.un.org



SDG#4 Quality education


It is one of our priority SDGs, that is, we integrate it into our corporate strategy, through one of the strategic lines of our Sustainability Plan, Sustaimobility 2024: “CSR: contributing to diversity and social inclusion, generating the greatest positive impact on people and communities and promoting diversity and social inclusion”.

For this, at Globalvia, we develop emblematic projects with the aim of promoting quality education and access to culture in our areas of influence:


  • We collaborate with the Real Madrid Foundation through the creation of three social sports schools in Costa Rica and Chile. Through education in values and sport as a tool, we improve the lives of children at risk of social exclusion and that of their families in the areas of influence of our Concessions in Chile and Costa Rica.


  • We participate in the CAMPVS project of A LA PAR Foundation, a higher training program for young people between 18 and 25 years old with intellectual disabilities that prepares them for their socio-labor insertion. We invite you to read our entry about the last Graduation Ceremony, in which Belén Castro, our HR, Communication and CSR Director, has been a Godmother of Honor.


  • We educate and raise awareness about Road Safety, the proper use of public and sustainable transport and good environmental practices through campaigns aimed at employees, users and the youngest of the schools near our areas of influence.


This is how we contribute to achieve, TOGETHER, a better world!

To continue learning about our sustainable initiatives, don’t miss the posts for the next few months!