Biodiversity and Natural Capital
Global warming and action by humans transform ecosystems and the species who live in them, affecting biodiversity and natural capital.

Our goal at Globalvia is to identify and prevent the potential impact of our activity, to mitigate any we cannot completely avoid, and whenever possible to restore the ecosystems connected to our infrastructures by promoting biodiversity and defragmentation of the territory.

Currently a total of 31.24 hectares are protected around our facilities and more than 100 species of animals have been rescued in the seven countries where we operate.

We promote continuous improvement

  • Best practices in plant life management, avoiding the use of phytosanitary products and pesticides.
  • Landscape restoration and tree planting projects.
  • Native species rescue activities.
  • Maintenance of wildlife crossing points and access control.
  • Installation of reflectors.
  • “All-Ireland Pollinator Plan”