14 June, 2021
Towards carbon neutrality, #ourwaytozero challenge!

The year 2020 has marked a turning point for Globalvia. We have faced the greatest challenges, but we have also emerged as a stronger company, with a new image, redefined values, and renewed determination.

The pandemic has been an accelerator of global trends and ESG factors are increasingly important and critical, with action against climate change being one of the main priorities in the coming years.

From Globalvia we want to position ourselves as a leading company in the change that transport infrastructures and mobility services need to be more sustainable, circular and resilient. For this reason, we are determined to innovate and provide the best transport systems, promoting the sustainable dimension of mobility with the highest quality standards and a clear vocation of service to users.

With this ambition, we have defined our Strategic Sustainability Plan: “Sustaimobility 2024”. On this occasion, due to the World Environment Day, we highlight our commitment to climate action, which has motivated one of its strategic lines: “Infrastructure to mitigate climate change”.

Thus, during 2020 we have offset the equivalent of the emission of 1,401 tons of CO2e through the United Nations Carbon offset programs within the framework of the Clean Development Mechanism for Climate Change. This has led us to achieve carbon neutrality in all our companies in Spain – highways and railways – and Costa Rica. Along the same lines, we continuously monitor our emissions, implementing reduction programs in the first instance, which has allowed us to reduce CO2 emissions by 19% in our own operations. In addition, we are committed to the use of electrical energy from renewable sources that has already reached 64.8% of the total consumed in 2020.



Within the framework of sustainable mobility, we are working on the development of new applications that make it easier for users to make decisions with ESG criteria, allowing them to know the most sustainable transport route with the lowest Carbon footprint. This is the case of Meep Sevilla by Globalvia, our first Mobility as a Service project (MaaS).

As part of our roadmap, we have also adhered to the “SBTi -Science Based Targets initiative- call to action” committing ourselves to establish, in the next 24 months, greenhouse gas emission reduction targets based on the science of climate change.

We want to be prepared to manage the risks and take advantage of the opportunities derived from climate change; Therefore, we are currently working on it in line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

These and other actions have positioned us as leaders in the infrastructure sustainability index GRESB, (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark) achieving the first place in the highway management category for the second consecutive year.

At Globalvia, we aspire to actively contribute to the transition to the low-carbon economy by implementing ambitious climate targets and actions and enhancing excellence in environmental management in our operations.

We continue on our path to carbon neutrality, our challenge #ourwaytozero!


Globalvia – Changing the world together!


Carmen Arce Rodríguez – Sustainability and Climate Change Responsible
Article published in the Corresponsables Dossier: World Environment Day.